(Hrvatski tekst je dolje*)
Translation of a letter
sent to newspapers:
March 5th, 2014
Dear Editors and everybody else, This
should be published in all newspapers: ---------------------
How is it possible that many Croatian MPs and other officials, members of political parties, university
professors, and other citizens, IF THEY ARE NORMALLY INTELLIGENT AND HONEST PEOPLE, are silent for more than 15 years, instead
of demanding that the public prosecutors (state attorneys) do their duty, which means that it is necessary to stop the OBVIOUS VIOLATIONS OF APPLICABLE REGULATIONS
the Constitutional Court and others)?!! These violations are easily noticed and
recognized by everybody! ---------------------------------
In Jutarnji list of 2.3.2014 (March 2nd, 2014), twenty-seven cases are mentioned, that had been examined by the
State Attorney's Office (DORH), in which cases the perpetrators had violated the laws and caused a total damage of three billion
HRK.* (This part of the job has been well done by the DORH - but this is just
a smaller part!). In some of these cases it is not yet proved who is guilty. However, the most important thing would be to pay attention to what the State Attorney's Office does NOT do, and not only to what it does do! In Jutarnji
list there is no mention of the QUITE SIMPLE AND IMPORTANT CASE, in which the State Attorney's Office (DORH) so far did NOT
want to do anything (during many years!), although in this case the total damage amounts to some six billion HRK (roughly
estimated).** Some people try to justify the State
Attorney's Office for some cases of its inaction, saying that it is one thing
to know, but another thing is to have the proofs; but the above-mentioned case
is extremely simple and clear, so that it would be easy to find who is guilty, and it is quite obvious and unquestionable
who has CAUSED the damage and how: In this case
the law was not broken, but a higher regulation was violated, i.e. an unlawful provision has been made in the Flat Lease Law,
which provision is contrary to a higher regulations (i.e. to the Annex G of the international Agreement on Succession Issues, which, under the Croatian Constitution,
is stronger than domestic laws). It was the
DUTY of the Constitutional Court to correct that manifest error, and the
Court could quite easily have seen it, and should have corrected it, but it has NOT corrected it(!); and in this way the Court has caused a total damage of (approximately) six billion HRK to thousands of families,
whose occupancy rights are proclaimed to "cease" by the unlawful provision of the Flat Lease Law, and, in addition, enormous
suffering has been inflicted on them, and (among other things) their human right to safe and permanent
possession of their homes is gravely violated.
this is clear and obvious***, but the authorities (including the Constitutional Court, the State Attorney, many officials,
and others) just do NOT WANT (REJECT) to
see that, to know that, to investigate, to correct.... etc.!!! It is necessary to identify the persons who are guilty of such unlawful behavior among
those in power (constitutional judges, the Government, the Ministry (MGIPU), the State Attorney's Office, and others)! It is necessary to annul all the harmful consequences of this unlawful behavior! In addition to the damage suffered by the occupants, one must also note the total damage of several billion euros
(EUR) that is suffered by the original owners of seized flats (nationalized flats, and others), because they have not
been granted fair compensations, to which they are entitled by Resolution 562 of the U.S. House of Representatives (1998), and by Resolution 1096 of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (1996)
which has also been included with the H. Res. 562 .___
(See: [Congressional
Record Volume 144, Number 145
(Tuesday, October 13, 1998)] [House]
[Pages H10724-H10728] )! "Mr. SMITH of New Jersey (......) H. Res. 562 (......) I include the following materials relating to this resolution: (......)
Resolution 1096 on
Measures to Dismantle the Heritage of Former Communist Totalitarian Systems (Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly),
1996 (......)".
--- Branko Sorić, dr. med. __________________________
* (See below, in Croatian!) ---
** (See below, Croatian!)
*** The "occupancy right" ("stanarsko pravo") is permanent (ETERNAL, forever
inheritable) and EXCLUSIVE right to possess a certain flat (apartment) (and to
use it, etc.), and it is practically the same as the legal ownership, with a difference that (according to the laws of SFR
Yugoslavia) entry into the land register was not necessary for the acquisition of this legal "unregistered ownership". Occupancy
right existed both on the social flats (where the "society" (state) was registered
as the nominal owner) and on private flats (where the original private owner
was registered as the nominal owner). In both cases the registered owners are only nominal owners, who have ceased to be the
rightful owners (in terms of the Law on Ownership), because, by the laws of former Yugoslavia, they had forever lost almost
all the owners' rights, and because the ownership is indivisible. When the new Croatian Constitution came into force (in 1990) nothing
changed, because this Constitution DOES
to the legal relationships which arose prior to the entry into force of the Constitution.
That has also been said by the Constitutional Court (in 1999), but later (in 2005) the Constitutional Court made a wrong (unlawful,
illogical, impossible) decision, in which it (wrongly) applied the Constitution, although, as mentioned above, the Constitution
cannot be applied in this case - (namely, in 2005 the Constitutional Court said that Annex G is "not relevant"
because occupancy rights are (purportedly) contrary to citizens' rights guaranteed by the Croatian Constitution). Equally wrong (illogical, unlawful) is the decision
of the Constitutional Court from 1998. If these wrong
(unlawful) decisions of the Constitutional Court (from
1998 and 2005) were implemented, that would violate the Constitution and the
international agreement, which must never be violated. Accordingly, these wrong decisions cannot and must not be implemented, but (in accordance with the Annex
G) the provision of the Flat Lease Law, which says that the occupancy right "ceases", must be annulled.
5. III. 2014
Poštovana Uredništva i svi ostali!
Ovo je potrebno objaviti u svim novinama:
Kako je moguće
da mnogi
saborski zastupnici i drugi dužnosnici, članovi političkih stranaka, sveučilišni profesori, i ostali
I POŠTENI LJUDI, kroz više od 15 godina šute,
umjesto da traže da DORH vrši svoju dužnost, te da PRESTANE OČITO I SVAKOME VIDLJIVO
OD STRANE VLASTI (uključujući Ustavni sud i druge)?!!
U Jutarnjem
listu od 2.III.2014. navedeno je dvadeset sedam slučajeva, koje je istražilo
Državno odvjetništvo (DORH), u kojima su počinitelji PREKRŠILI ZAKONE i prouzročili ukupnu štetu
od TRI MILIJARDE KUNA.* (To je dobro obavljen dio posla DORH-a - ali
samo manji dio!). U nekima od tih slučajeva nije
još dokazano tko je kriv.
najvažnije bi bilo obratiti pozornost na ono što DORH NE čini, a
ne samo na ono što čini! U Jutarnjem listu nije spomenut jedan SASVIM JEDNOSTAVAN I VAŽAN SLUČAJ, u
kojemu Državno odvjetništvo (DORH) do sada NIJE htjelo ništa
poduzeti (kroz dugi niz godina!), iako je u tom slučaju učinjena ukupna šteta od nekih ŠEST MILIJARDI KUNA (grubo približno).**
Neki traže opravdanje za DORH u nekim slučajevima nečinjenja, govoreći da
je jedna stvar znati, a druga stvar je imati dokaze; ali spomenuti slučaj
je krajnje jednostavan i jasan, i bilo bi lako istražiti tko je kriv, a sasvim je očito i neupitno tko je tu štetu
PROUZROČIO i na koji način:
U tom slučaju nije prekršen zakon
nego viši propis, t.j. donijeta je protupravna zakonska odredba, koja je SUPROTNA VIŠEM PROPISU (t.j. Aneksu G međunarodnog ugovora o pitanjima sukcesije, koji je, po Ustavu RH, jači od domaćih
zakona). Tu očitu pogrešku bio je DUŽAN ispraviti Ustavni sud RH, i mogao ju je sasvim lako vidjeti i ispraviti, ali nije ju ispravio(!), te je na taj način prouzročio
ukupnu štetu od (približno) šest milijardi kuna tisućama
obitelji, kojima "prestaje" stanarsko pravo protupravnom odredbom Zakona o najmu
stanova, a osim toga nanesene su im ogromne patnje, te je (među ostalim) teško povrijeđeno njihovo ljudsko
pravo na siguran i trajan posjed svog doma.
Sve je to potpuno
jasno i očito***, ali vlast (uključujući Ustavni sud RH, DORH, mnoge dužnosnike, i druge osobe) to
jednostavno NE ŽELI (ODBIJA) vidjeti, znati, istražiti, ispraviti.... itd.!!!
Potrebno je utvrditi krivce za takvo protupravno
ponašanje vlastodržaca (ustavnih sudaca, Vlade, Ministarstva (MGIPU), DORH-a, i drugih)! Potrebno je poništiti
sve štetne posljedice tog protupravnog ponašanja!
Osim štete koju trpe stanari, mora se spomenuti
i šteta od nekoliko milijardi eura, koju trpe izvorni vlasnici oduzetih stanova (nacionaliziranih
i drugih), jer nisu dobili poštenu NAKNADU,
na koju imaju pravo po Rezolucijama
562 i 1096****!
Branko Sorić, dr. med.
Referencije (5.3.2014.):
* U 27 istraženih slučajeva
pokradeno je, navodno, 3 milijarde kuna. http://www.jutarnji.hr/dvanaest-godina-potrage-dovelo-ga-je-do-tri-milijarde-pokradenih-kuna/1169719/ 2.III.2014. "TUŽITELJ KOJI
JE PROMIJENIO HRVATSK,". -- Također u tiskanom izdanju: Nedjeljni Jutarnji 2.III.2014. (Panorama) str. 20. -- "Nepopustljivi
tužitelj je promijenio državu - Mladen Bajić - Dvanaest godina potrage dovelo ga je do tri milijarde pokradenih kuna" - (Piše Vanja Nezirović)
- Navedeno je 27 slučajeva: 1 Uhićenje Željka Kalebića; 2
Otmica sina Vladimira Zagorca; 3 Slučaj ‘Brezovica’; 4 Afera Granić; 5 Slučaj Glavaš; 6 Afera Veliki i Mali Maestro; 7 Brodosplit; 8 Akcija Index; 9 Afera HŽ; 10 Afera Kamioni; 11 Afera Spice; 12 Afera HEP; 13 Afera HAC;
14 Bankomat; 15 Hypo banka; 16
Fimi-Media; 17 Afera Ina-Mol; 18
Fond za zaštitu okoliša; 19 Reflektori; 20 Planinska; 21 Core Media;
22 Afera Offside; 23 Afera Hipokrat;
24 Remorker; 25 Afera KABA; 26
Afera Cetinski; 27 Afera VSOA.
U gore spomenutom neistraženom slučaju ukradeno je oko 6 milijardi kuna od nositelja stanarskih prava. --
PRIBLIŽNI izračun: 10.000 tzv. "privatnih neuseljivih" stanova
×80.000 eura = približno 800 milijuna eura = približno 6 milijardi
*** Stanarsko pravo je trajno (VJEČNO, zauvijek nasljedivo) i ISKLJUČIVO pravo posjeda određenog stana (i uporabe, itd.), te je
praktički jednako zakonitom vlasništvu, s tom razlikom, da (po zakonima SFR Jugoslavije) nije bio
potreban upis u zemljišnu knjigu za stjecanje tog zakonitog "izvan-knjižnog vlasništva".
Stanarsko pravo je postojalo i na društvenim
stanovima (pri čemu je kao nominalni vlasnik bila uknjiženo "društvo" t.j. država) i na privatnim stanovima
(pri čemu je kao nominalni vlasnik bio upisan izvorni privatni vlasnik stana). U oba slučaja ti uknjiženi vlasnici su samo nominalni vlasnici,
koji su prestali biti zakoniti vlasnici (u smislu Zakona o vlasništvu), jer
su, po zakonima u SFRJ, zauvijek izgubili gotovo sve vlasničke ovlasti, a vlasništvo je nedjeljivo. Stupanjem na
snagu Ustava RH (1990. god.) NIJE SE NIŠTA PROMIJENILO, jer se taj Ustav NE ODNOSI
I NE PRIMJENJUJE na te pravne odnose koji su nastali prije stupanja Ustava
na snagu. To je također rekao i Ustavni sud RH (1999. godine), ali je kasnije (2005. god.) donio pogrešnu (protupravnu, nelogičnu, nemoguću)
odluku, u kojoj je (pogrešno) primijenio Ustav RH, iako se taj Ustav, kao
što je gore rečeno, NE MOŽE
PRIMIJENITI u tom slučaju -
(naime, 2005. god. Ustavni sud je rekao da Aneks G "nije mjerodavan" jer da su stanarska prava suprotna pravima građana
koja su zajamčena Ustavom RH). Jednako je pogrešna (nelogična, protupravna) i odluka Ustavnog
suda RH iz 1998. godine.
Kad bi se provodile te protupravne odluke Ustavnog suda RH (iz 1998. i 2005. god.), time bi se kršio Ustav i međunarodni
ugovor, koji se nipošto ne smiju kršiti. Prema tome, te pogrešne odluke se
NE MOGU I NE SMIJU provoditi,
nego se mora (u skladu s Aneksom G) PONIŠTITI
odredba Zakona o najmu stanova koja kaže da "prestaje" stanarsko pravo.
**** Uz Rezoluciju 562 Predstavničkog
doma Kongresa SAD-a (1998. god.) bila je priložena i Rezolucija 1096 Parlamentarne
skupštine Vijeća Europe (iz 1996. god.). --- (Vidi: [Congressional Record Volume 144, Number 145 (Tuesday, October 13, 1998)] [House]
[Pages H10724-H10728] )! "Mr. SMITH of New Jersey
(......) H. Res. 562 (......) I include the following materials relating to this resolution: (......) Resolution 1096 on Measures to Dismantle the Heritage of Former Communist
Totalitarian Systems (Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly), 1996 (......)".