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ENGLISH text is below.        See the links at the top of this page!

Fotokopije ovdje prikazanih dokumenata, ovjerene od javnog bilježnika, predane su Uredu Predsjednika Republike Hrvatske Stipe Mesića, Ministarstvu za zaštitu okoliša, prostornog uređenja i graditeljstva, Savezu udruga stanara Hrvatske, i drugima.

      Moj zahtjev (žalba) Europskom sudu za ljudska prava poslan je 1998. godine u dva navrata: poslala ga je odvjetnica, uz čiju pomoć je zahtjev napisan (a ja sam ga potpisao), a također sam ga poslao i ja osobno. Sud je potvrdio da je primio oba primjerka tog zahtjeva. Također sam Sudu poslao ovjerene fotokopije ugovora, kojima sam 1982. godine postao nositelj stanarskog prava, nakon smrti moje majke - prethodne nositeljice stanarskog prava, i dr. (Fotokopije je ovjerio javni bilježnik). U zahtjevu sam naveo da sam bio nositelj stanarskog prava, i to voljom izvorne vlasnice stana.
      U odluci Europskog suda za ljudska prava br. 43447/98 (iz 2000. god.) napisano je pogrešno (neistinito), da sam ja naveo nešto drugo, t.j. da sam bio "najmoprimac" itd. (a ja sam, naprotiv, naveo da sam bio nositelj stanarskog prava, itd.)!!!  Sud nije osporavao niti uopće spomenuo moje prave navode (vidi dolje!), kao ni dokaze koje sam poslao, nego je samo pogrešno napisao, da sam ja naveo nešto drugo nego što sam stvarno naveo!!!  Ako se možda radi o slučajnoj pogrešci, zašto ona nije ispravljena nakon mojih ponovljenih upozorenja?!!
      Na ovoj stranici (dolje) je potvrda odvjetnice o navodima u mom zahtjevu Europskom sudu za ljudska prava (1998.), a na ostalim stranicama su ugovori o mom stanarskom pravu iz 1982. god., t.j. "Ugovor o korištenju stana" sklopljen sa izvornom vlasnicom stana Zorom Rebula nakon smrti moje majke, i "Ugovor sa nosiocem stanarskog prava" sklopljen sa SIZ-om stanovanja Općine Medveščak. (Sve je potpuno u skladu sa tadašnjim zakonima).  Ja se i danas smatram nositeljem stanarskog prava, a nisam nikada sklopio nikakav ugovor o najmu, ni za vrijeme SFRJ, ni kasnije. Kao što je dolje navedeno, zauvijek sam imao potpuno i trajno stanarsko pravo voljom izvorne vlasnice, koja mi je željela dati stanarsko pravo (odnosno stan) jer nije imala vlastite djece, ali i zbog toga što me je dobro poznavala od mojeg najranijeg djetinjstva, i iz drugih razloga.  (Drugi nositelji stanarskog prava imali su to pravo protiv volje zemljišno-knjižnih vlasnika. Vidi opširnije: "klikni" ovdje!)

      Meni i mojoj obitelji (t.j. mojoj supruzi Mariji, našem sinu Nevenu i njegovim potomcima/sljednicima) mora se odmah i u potpunosti vratiti sva naša imovina koja nam je nepravedno i neispravno oduzeta t.j. sva naša prava koja smo zauvijek stekli i imali u okviru stanarskog prava. To smo uvijek zahtijevali, to i sada zahtijevamo, i uvijek ćemo to zahtijevati.


      Dr. med. Branko Sorić, Vlaška 84, 10000 Zagreb                              2005.-2006.
      E-mail: branko.soric@zg.t-com.hr

NAPOMENA:  Moja majka je umrla 1982., što sam naveo u zahtjevu Sudu (ECHR), ali je Sud neistinito napisao da je umrla 1987. To nije nevažno, jer je 1985. stupio na snagu novi Zakon o stambenim odnosima.  (Tu pogrešnu godinu smrti državno odvjetništvo je  nazvalo "omaškom";  ali kad bi se zaista radilo o nenamjernoj grešci, ona bi bila ispravljena nakon mojih upozorenja!)

    (Moja majka je stekla stanarsko pravo čim je uvedeno, t.j. ubrzo nakon 2. svjetskog rata, ne kasnije od 1959. Ja sam stalno stanovao u ovom stanu, s njom, od kada je kuća sagrađena, t.j. od 1938. ili 1939.)

Potvrda o navodima u zahtjevu poslanom Sudu 1998.g

Vidi: Ugovor sa SIZ-om stanovanja Opcine Medvescak, iz 1982.

Vidi: Ugovor o koristenju stana, sklopljen sa vlasnicom 1982. god.

Napomena: Moja majka je umrla 1982. godine, kao što sam naveo u zahtjevu, a Sud je napisao da je umrla 1987., što nije nevažno, jer je od 1985. godine bio na snazi drugi (novi) Zakon o stambenim odnosima. (To je državno odvjetništvo nazvalo "omaškom". Ali, kad bi se zaista radilo o nenamjernim pogreškama, Sud bi ih ispravio nakon mojih upozorenja!)
Vidi linkove na vrhu ove stranice!




https://soric-b.tripod.com/prijava   <--Prijava policiji (20. VI. 2001.)
https://soric-b.tripod.com/summary/id4.html  <--Jedno od pisama Europskom sudu za lj. prava

Pismo SUSH-a ECHR-u





      Although this may seem incredible to normal and honest people, the truth is that some families in Croatia are being unlawfully deprived of almost-all their property by the government, including the Constitutional Court of Croatia, the European Court of Human Rights, etc.  I and my family would have no such problems at all, if the late registered owner of our flat had leased me that flat (during former Yugoslavia) for a period of, say, thousand years, with a very small rent, instead of giving me forever, of her own free will, the practically-same "stanarsko pravo" [i.e. permanent and inheritable "occupancy right" with a very small "housing fee" ("stanarina"), in accordance with the then laws]!!!  The leases, of course, have not been abolished, but an absurd law from 1996 declares the permanent and forever-inheritable "stanarsko pravo", though granted by the owner, to have "ceased" (in spite of such a law provision being null and void by the Annex G of the international Agreement on Succession Issues, etc., etc.)!!!          


Photocopies of the documents shown on these pages, attested by a notary public, have been given to the Office of the President of Republic of Croatia Stipe Mesić,  the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction, the Alliance of Occupants' Associations of Croatia, and others.

      My application to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) was sent in 1998 two times. A lawyer (who was my consultant) helped me to write the application. I have signed the application and it was sent to the ECHR both by the lawyer and by myself. The ECHR has acknowledged the receipt both times. I have also sent to the ECHR photocopies (attested by a notary public) of the contracts by which I had become (in 1982) the holder of the occupancy right after the death of my mother (who had been the previous holder of occupancy right); etc. In the application I have written that I was the occupancy-right holder by the free will of the original private owner of the apartment (in Zagreb, Vlaška 84 /I. kat desno).

      In the ECHR's decision No. 43447/98 (from 2000) it is written wrongly (untruly, falsely) that I had written something quite different, namely that I had declared myself to have been a "lessee", etc. (while, on the contrary, I wrote that I was the holder of occupancy right, etc.)!!!  The ECHR has not disputed or even mentioned my true statements or the proofs that I had sent, but the ECHR has only declared quite wrongly that I had written something quite different from what I had indeed written!!!  If, perhaps, that is an accidental mistake, why has it not been corrected after my repeated alerts?!!

      (See "Pismo SUSH-a ECHR-u" https://soric-b.tripod.com/dokumenti/id11.html   )

      On this page you can see the lawyer's statement (attestation) of what had indeed been written in my application to the ECHR (in 1998), and you can find the English version of the same statement on another page (click on the link: "Lawyer's statement - English", below!).   NOTE: The occupancy right (stanarsko pravo) was NOT a tenancy or a lease! It was a permanent property!  It also used to be translated as "tenant's right", "tenantship right", "dwelling right", etc.

Lawyer's statement - English

      On other pages you can find contracts from 1982 relating to my occupancy right, i.e. "Ugovor o korištenju stana" (="Contract on Using the Apartment") concluded with the original private owner of the apartment Mrs. Zora Rebula after my mother's death, and "Ugovor sa nosiocem stanarskog prava" (="Contract with the Holder of Occupancy Right") concluded with "SIZ stanovanja Općine Medveščak" (government's housing body). (Everything is in full accordance with the then laws).

      Today I also must be considered to be the holder of occupancy right, and I have never concluded any lease-contract during SFRY or later.  As you can see, I have had a full and permanent occupancy right (acquired forever) by the free will of the original owner, who had wished to give me the occupancy right (i.e. the apartment) because she did not have any children of her own, and also because she had known me very well ever since my early childhood, and for other reasons too.  (Other occupants have had occupancy rights against the will of registered owners. Click here to read more on this).


      Our unjustly and wrongly seized property i.e. all our rights that we have forever acquired and had within our occupancy right (stanarsko pravo) must be immediately and completely returned to me and my family (i.e. my wife Marija, our son Neven and his descendants/inheritors). We have always demanded this, we demand it now, and we will demand it always in the future.


      Dr. med. Branko Sorić, Vlaška 84, 10000 Zagreb                              2005-2006 

      E-mail: branko.soric@zg.t-com.hr  


NOTE: My mother died in 1982, as I have written in my application, but the ECHR wrote wrongly that she had died in 1987, which is not unimportant because a new version of the Law on Housing Relations was in force since 1985. (That false year of death was considered as a "lapse" by the Public Prosecutor's Office.  However, if this had indeed been an unintentional mistake, the ECHR would have corrected it after my alerts!)

    (My mother acquired  the occupancy right as soon as this right began to exist, which was soon after the 2nd world war, or not later than 1959. I have lived in this apartment, with her, ever since the house had been built, i.e. since 1938 or 1939).


MY  CONTRACTS (1.: with the government's housing body; 

                                        2.: with the original owner)

1. See: "Ugovor sa SIZ-om stanovanja Opcine Medvescak", from1982

2. See: "Ugovor o koristenju stana, sklopljen sa vlasnicom", from 1982



https://soric-b.tripod.com/prijava/    <--Report to the police (June 20, 2001.)

https://soric-b.tripod.com/summary/id4.html   <--One of the letters to ECHR

See the links at the top of this page!

Pismo SUSH-a ECHR-u
