Home | UKRATKO - IN BRIEF | UNPUBLISHED LETTERS | SUMMARY (ctd.) | SUMMARY in English | OBMANA I ODGOVORNOST | Iz Vjesnika, 23.8.2001. | Prijedlozi SDP-a u Saboru. - Rezolucija 1096. | SABOR 22.IV.98. - (fonogram)

--- (See below the English text: "IN BRIEF")

--- U Hrvatskoj se izvornim vlasnicima VRACAJU nekretnine (imovina) koje su bile oduzete za vrijeme SFRJ.
--- Iznimno, NACIONALIZIRANI stanovi nisu vraceni, jer su stanari stekli trajno i zauvijek nasljedivo STANARSKO PRAVO.

--- To trajno i zauvijek nasljedivo STANARSKO PRAVO stekli su i stanari u TZV. PRIVATNIM STANOVIMA - u nekim slucajevima voljom izvornih vlasnika (u skladu sa zakonima) a najcesce protiv volje vlasnika (silom zakona) - premda su nominalni vlasnici ostali upisani u zemljisnim knjigama.

--- Ti nominalni vlasnici, kao i HDZ-ovski zakonodavci (i manji dio drugih), tvrdili su, sasvim krivo i nelogicno, da tzv. privatne stanove treba VRATITI nominalnim vlasnicima (t.j. da treba ukinuti stanarsko pravo), jer da ti stanovi, toboze, "nisu bili oduzeti" od vlasnika, koji su ostali upisani u zemljisnim knjigama. - (Jasno, apsurdno je traziti vracanje necega, sto navodno "nije bilo oduzeto"!) - Istina je slijedeca:

--- Prema zakonima, upis u zemljisne knjige je (opcenito!) DOKAZ POTPUNOG, APSOLUTNOG VLASNISTVA. - Ali, u slucaju tzv. privatnih stanova, te su zakonske odredbe zauvijek DEROGIRANE drugim zakonskim odredbama (Zakon o stambenim odnosima; stanarsko pravo. - "Lex specialis derogat generali"). Kad ne bi bilo tako, vlasnici tzv. privatnih stanova mogli bi se jos i za vrijeme SFRJ pozivati na zemljisne knjige i traziti ostvarenje svojih vlasnickih prava (pravo uporabe stana itd.). Ali oni to nisu mogli, pa se ne mogu ni danas pozivati na zemljisne knjige, jer je stanarsko pravo steceno zakonito i zauvijek.
Jasno je, dakle, da je vlasnistvo odnosno imovina (glavni i najveci dio vlasnickih prava, ovlasti, kao i ekonomska vrijednost) zauvijek ODUZETA od vlasnika tzv. privatnih stanova, pa se ti stanovi moraju tretirati jednako kao i ostali oduzeti (nacionalizirani) stanovi.  (Prema Rezoluciji 1096 Parlamentarne skupstine Vijeca Europe, ta oduzeta imovina se  ne restituira in integrum,  jer bi se time prekrsila prava stanara,  nego se izvornim vlasnicima daje pravedna naknada).

Sto treba uciniti? - Postoje samo dvije mogucnosti: Ili (1) krsiti stanarsko pravo, ili (2) ne krsiti ga.

--- (1) - Ako se SMIJE i HOCE krsiti stanarsko pravo, tada se mora danasnjim nominalnim vlasnicima vratiti sva oduzeta imovina - t.j. i nacionalizirani, i konfiscirani, i tzv. privatni, i drugi oduzeti stanovi - a SVI stanari moraju postati "zasticeni najmoprimci". - (Ali, u tom slucaju, radi pravednosti, to isto treba primijeniti i na stanare u bivsim drustvenim stanovima! - Jer, prema Zakonu o stambenim odnosima, svi nositelji stanarskog prava bili su IZJEDNACENI, a to je potvrdio i Ustavni sud Republike Hrvatske; - Narodne novine broj 11. iz 1997. god., str.681.). - Jasno, svakom nositelju stanarskog prava u bilo kojem od spomenutih stanova, koji postane "zasticeni najmoprimac", mora se ODMAH, U GOTOVINI, isplatiti naknada VECA OD devedeset posto (90%) TRZISNE vrijednosti (useljivog) stana, jer toliko vrijedi oduzeto stanarsko pravo, dok je "zasticeno najmoprimstvo" prakticki bezvrijedno u imovinskom smislu. (Za vrijeme SFRJ, nominalni vlasnici su prodavali tzv. privatne stanove sa stanarskim pravom za manje od deset posto vrijednosti, buduci da nisu bili useljivi. Takodjer su se i drustveni stanovi nedavno otkupljivali za manje od 10% vrijednosti).
----- (Vidi takodjer Rezoluciju 1096 Parlamentarne skupstine Vijeca Europe, i dr., na ovim stranicama!)

--- (2) - Ako se NE smije i nece krsiti stanarsko pravo, tada se mora stanaru u tzv. privatnom stanu, u najmanju ruku, odmah i potpunosti vratiti ono ISTO (neumanjeno, trajno, zauvijek nasljedivo) stanarsko pravo u ISTOM stanu, koje je stekao i imao za vrijeme SFRJ. (Napomena: To je stanarsko pravo postojalo i kasnije, sve do 1996. godine). Logicno je da stanar, na temelju tog prava, dobije i pravo jeftinog otkupa istog stana, a vlasnik da dobije punu trzisnu naknadu.

------- NAPOMENA: Moguci su naknadni dodatci ili poboljsanja ovih stranica u slijedecim tjednima ili mjesecima, pa Vas molim da ponekad ponovno posjetite ovaj web-site, na istoj adresi:
(Link za povratak na "OBESPRAVLJENOST" je na dnu ove stranice).

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--- In Croatia, the property that was seized during SFRJ (former Yugoslavia) is RETURNED to original owners.
--- Exceptionally, the NATIONALIZED flats have not been returned, because the tenants had acquired a permanent and forever-inheritable TENANTSHIP RIGHT.

--- The tenants in the SO-CALLED PRIVATE FLATS have also acquired this permanent and forever-inheritable TENANTSHIP RIGHT - in some cases the owners gave it of their own free will (which was legally possible), while, in most cases, the State gave this right to tenants against the owners' will (by force of law) - although the nominal owners have remained registered in the cadastral books.

--- The nominal owners, as well as the HDZ legislators (and a smaller part of others), have maintained, quite wrongly and illogically, that the so-called private flats should be RETURNED to nominal owners (by abolishing the tenantship right), because, allegedly, these flats "had not been seized" from owners, who remained registered in cadastral books. - (Of course, it is absurd to demand the "return" of something that, allegedly, "had not been seized"!) - Here is the truth:

--- According to the laws, the registration in cadastral books is (generally!) a PROOF OF A COMPLETE, ABSOLUTE OWNERSHIP. - However, in the case of the so-called private flats, these legal stipulations have forever been DEROGATED by other legal stipulations (the Law on Housing Relations; the tenantship right. - "Lex specialis derogat generali"). If this were not so, the owners of the so-called private flats would have been able to demand the realization of their ownership rights, on the ground of cadastral books, even during the SFRJ (the right of using the flat etc.). On the contrary, they have NOT been able to demand or realize these seized rights, and so they cannot realize them today by citing the cadastral books, because the tenantship rights have been acquired legally and forever.
Hence, it is clear that the property (i.e. the main-and-greatest part of owners' rights, as well as economic value, possessions)  has forever been SEIZED by laws  from the owners of the so-called private flats, and, for this reason, such flats must be treated in the same way as other seized (nationalized) flats.  (According to Resolution 1096 of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, such seized property should  not be restituted in integrum  because the tenants' rights should not be violated.  Instead, a just material compensations should be given to original owners).

What should be done? - There are only two possibilities: Either (1) to violate the tenantship right, or (2) not to violate it.

--- (1) - If it is ALLOWABLE and DESIRABLE to violate the tenantship rights, then the today's nominal owners must get all the seized property - i.e. both the nationalized, and the confiscated, and the so-called private, and other seized flats - while ALL the tenants must become "protected lessees". - [In such a case, in order to act justly, the same should apply to the tenants in the former public-property flats! - Namely, by the Law on Housing Relations, all the tenantship-right holders have had EQUAL RIGHTS; and this has also been confirmed by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia; - "Narodne novine" (the official paper) No. 11 from 1997, p. 681.]. - Of course, every tenantship-right holder in any of the above-mentioned flats, who is deprived of his tenantship right by becoming a "protected lessee", must IMMEDIATELY be paid, IN CASH, a compensation equal to MORE THAN ninety percent (90%) of the MARKET VALUE of the (vacant) flat, which is the value of the tenantship right (while the "protected-lessee's" right is a practically-worthless possession). - (During SFRJ, the nominal owners sold the occupied private flats for less than ten percent of the value. Also, the public-property flats were recently sold to tenantship-right holders for less than 10% of the value).
----- (See also Resolution 1096 of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, etc., on these pages!)

--- (2) - If it is NOT allowable or desirable to violate the tenantship rights, then any tenant in a so-called private flat must immediately get back, at least, the SAME and complete (undiminished, permanent, forever-inheritable) tenantship right in the SAME flat, which he acquired and kept during the SFRJ. (Remark: The tenantship right existed later too, until 1996). It follows logically that, on the ground of this right, the tenant should get the right to cheaply buy the same flat, and the owner should get a full compensation equal to the market value of the flat.

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