Lalic's Black Magic
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Lalic's Black Magic
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(Hrvatski tekst je nize dolje).

       July 12, 2003


      A few days ago,  the Croatian organizations of tenantship-right holders  (from Zagreb, Split, Dubrovnik, Zadar, etc.)  delivered  the following text  to representatives in Sabor (=Croatian parliament):




      The Sabor representative Ljubica Lalic (HSS) tells things, that are quite contrary to common sense, impossible, unreasonable, absurd!   She,  as well as the HSS-party, the Cabinet, the Cacic's ministry, SUVLAH, and some others,  wants to make people believe, that the so-called private occupied apartments "have never been seized"(!) from the owners, who, allegedly,  have always remained the "real, complete, lawful owners, registered in land registers"!

      That is just as much absurd  as if they maintained  that,  e.g.,  a car has not been seized from an owner,  although the owner is not allowed to enter it, drive it, use it, or possess it,  while another person is allowed to do all that, and actually does it,  contrary to the owner's will.  We,  the tenantship-right holders,  have possessed and used the so-called private occupied apartments  for several decades,  during the SFRJ and later,  while the nominal owners have not been allowed to use them or possess them.  So, it is quite contrary to reason  to maintain  that these apartments have not been seized from the owners. 


      Even if  by some miracle - by some Lalic's magic -  it were possible  that the Law on Housing Relations,  giving forever and completely the owner's rights to a tenant,  at the same time  "did not seize"  the same rights  from the owner (who remained registered in land registers),  that would only mean  that those apartments have been seized (allegedly) "illegally"  -  although, at the same time,  the tenantship right on them has  legally  been acquired!

      However,  that makes no difference at all!   Namely,  the Resolution 1096 of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe  requires  that the tenants' rights  be NOT  violated,  when trying to restitute in integrum  the previously seized property,  no matter whether it had been seized  legally  or  illegally,  and in all such cases the original owners should be awarded a just material compensation by the State.  (In fact, of course, that property has been seized legally!  By the Law, nobody could ever move into the apartment without the tenantship-right-holder's permission;  etc.).


       The Croatian Constitution has no retroactive effect  (because that is not written in it),  and  it  does  not  rule  that  previously seized property  be restituted.  There is no justified reason for anybody  -  be it the Sabor, or the Constitutional Court, or the European Court of Human Rights  -  to give the so-called private occupied apartments to nominal owners.  The tenantship right  is  NOT  contrary to the Croatian Constitution,  just as the  very-similar "right of dwelling"  is  also  not  contrary  to the Constitution.  (The "right of dwelling" can be granted to a family by an owner, in conformity with the today's Law on Ownership, Articles 217, 244).  Our tenantship right was quite unjustifiably abolished in 1996.  It might only be abolished on the condition  that it be replaced by the right to cheaply buy the same apartment, in the same manner as other apartments have also been bought:   Not only the "public" and nationalized apartments,  but also a part of the  privately-owned  apartments have cheaply been bought by tenants  (without the owners' consent(!), by Article 48 of the Law on Renting Apartments of 1996, and that has been approved by the Constitutional Court of Croatia for the sake of social justice);  which is,  at the same time,  an obvious and irrefutable proof of our being gravely and impermissibly discriminated against  for many years now.

            The holders of the tenantship right in the

            so-called private occupied apartments 

July 10th, 2003

REMARK by B.S.:   To seize my tenantship right means to seize about 100.000 EUR, and to deprive me and my family of our permanent home and almost all our property!  The others got the right to cheaply buy the "public", nationalized, and even some PRIVATE apartments in which they live. They have not been deprived!  The Croatian political parties don't keep their promises.  Since 1991, they are waiting and delaying, so that we should die and the robbery be forgotten!   -    Branko Soric

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       12. VII. 2003.

       Prije par dana  udruge nositelja stanarskog prava iz Hrvatske  (Zagreb, Split, Zadar, Dubrovnik,..... itd.)  dostavile su zastupnicima Hrvatskog sabora (i drugima)  slijedeci tekst:




      Saborska zastupnica Ljubica Lalic (HSS) govori stvari, koje su izvan svake pameti, nemoguce, besmislene, apsurdne!    Ona,  kao i  HSS,  Vlada,  Cacicevo ministarstvo, SUVLAH, i jos neki,  zeli ljude uvjeriti,  da tzv. privatni neuseljivi stanovi  "nisu nikad bili oduzeti"(!)  od vlasnika,  koji su,  navodno,  uvijek  ostali  pravi,  potpuni,  zakoniti "gruntovni" vlasnici! 

      To je isto toliko apsurdno, kao tvrditi da nije oduzet neki automobil, u kojega vlasnik  ne  moze  svojom voljom  uci,  voziti ga,  rabiti, posjedovati,  nego to sve cini netko drugi protiv volje vlasnika.   Tzv. privatne neuseljive stanove  posjedovali smo i rabili mi,  nositelji stanarskog prava, kroz nekoliko desetljeca, za vrijeme SFRJ i kasnije, a vlasnici ih nisu mogli rabiti ni posjedovati,  pa je  protivno razumu tvrditi  da im ti stanovi nisu bili oduzeti.

      Cak kad bi nekim cudom  - nekom Lalickinom magijom -  bilo moguce  da je Zakon o stambenim odnosima zauvijek i u potpunosti dao  vlasnikova prava  stanaru  a da pri tome  ta ista prava  "nije oduzeo" od vlasnika  (koji su ostali upisani u zemljisnim knjigama),  to bi samo znacilo, da su ti stanovi bili oduzeti (toboze) "nezakonito"  -  premda je istovremeno bilo na njima  zakonito  steceno  stanarsko pravo! 

      Ali to uopce  ne  mijenja  nista  na  stvari!   Jer, Rezolucija 1096  Parlamentarne skupstine Vijeca Europe trazi,  da se  ne  krse prava stanara  radi vracanja  (restitucije in integrum)  oduzete  imovine  odnosno vlasnistva,  bilo da je oduzimanje izvrseno zakonito  ili  nezakonito,  nego u svim takvim slucajevima treba izvornim vlasnicima dati pravednu materijalnu naknadu.  (Jasno, ta je imovina stvarno oduzeta zakonitoPo zakonu, nitko nije mogao useliti u stan bez dopustenja nositelja stanarskog prava;  itd.).

      Ustav RH  nema  povratno djelovanje  (jer to u njemu ne pise),  on  ne odredjuje vracanje ranije oduzete imovine ni vlasnistva.    Nitko  -  ni Sabor, ni Ustavni sud, ni Europski sud za ljudska prava  -  nema  nikakvog  opravdanja  za  vracanje  neuseljivih stanova nominalnim vlasnicima.  Stanarsko pravo  nije  protivno  Ustavu RH,  bas kao ni vrlo slicno pravo stanovanja,  osnovano u korist neke obitelji  (po danasnjem Zakonu o vlasnistvu, cl. 217., 244.).   Nase  je  stanarsko pravo  potpuno neopravdano ukinuto 1996. godine.   Ono bi se smjelo ukinuti samo pod uvjetom  da bude  nadomjesteno  pravom na jeftini otkup tog istog stana,  jednako kao sto su otkupljeni  ne samo drustveni i nacionalizirani stanovi,  nego i dio  privatnih  stanova  (bez pristanka vlasnika(!),  po cl. 48. Zakona o najmu,  uz  odobrenje Ustavnog suda - radi socijalne pravde),  sto je ujedno  ocit  i  nepobitan dokaz  da smo vec  mnogo godina  tesko  i  nedopustivo  diskriminirani. 


Nositelji stanarskog prava u tzv.

privatnim neuseljivim stanovima

10. VII. 2003.



***   ***   ***


Nekoliko adresa udrugā nositelja stanarskog prava u tzv. privatnim neuseljivim stanovima u Hrvatskoj / Some addresses of tenantship-right-holders' organizations in Croatia:


Samostalna udruga stanara (SUS)

   Laginjina 11

   10000  ZAGREB


Prof. dipl. oec. Ante Bartulica

   Draskoviceva 45

   10000  ZAGREB


Udruga stanara Splita  (Dalmacije)

Prof. dr. Marija Rozman

   Sinjska 7

   21000  SPLIT


Udruga stanara Zadra

Anka Jericevic

   Liburnska obala 7

   23000  ZADAR


Udruga stanara Dubrovnik

Mise Milovcevic

   Vlaha Bukovca 19

   20000  DUBROVNIK


The Opposite