(Posted about 2000) - Beneath, there are some paintings of mine, which are NOT meant to please art critics or professional
(But first, here is a photo of myself, taken about 1985):
The paintings, below, are not good enough, but I enjoy them, and some other people like them too. - In viewing
them it may be desirable to ADJUST THE COLOURS OR BRIGHTNESS on your comupter screen.
1 . 1 --- SEASIDE - detail - (tempera):
1 . 2 --- HORSE - (tempera):
1 . 3 --- LAKE - (tempera):
1 . 4 --- ADDICTION - (tempera):
1 . 5 --- STILL LIFE - (charcoal):
See some more paintings on the page " PICTURES-2"! - (Click on the link below!)
PICTURES - 2 - (click here)
Back to START - (click here!)
Natrag na "Ulaz":