Q 2009


Possible Qmax
Qmg & Qmax
E & Emin

(Note:  In this web-site  a  is used instead of alpha).


      The maximal expected proportion of false discoveries (denoted as Qmax in my paper of 1989; see below: Ref. 1.), in a large set (m) of experiments, could be either quite near or very far from the actual proportion (Q).  A better estimate of Q is here denoted as Qmg (abbreviated for "Q-maximal-graphical").  Figure 1. is a modified figure from the Storey-Tibshirani's paper of 2003 (see below: Ref. 2.), where they say:  "The histogram density of p values beyond 0.5 looks fairly flat, which indicates that there are mostly null p values in this region. The height of this flat portion actually gives a conservative estimate of the overall proportion of null p values".  












      Suppose that in Fig. 1. each little square represents 1000 results (i.e. 1000 p-values), and we know only the following: 

      m = 84,000 (i.e. 1000×84 little squares);  the number (S) of results that are significant at the level  alpha=0.5 (i.e. p< 0.5) is  S = F+T = 56×1000 (for a = 0.5);  the number (S') of results that are significant at the level  a = 0.05 (i.e. p< 0.05) is  S' = F'+T' = 16.5 ×1000 = 16,500 

      Suppose that:  m1-T = 0   for  a = 0.5  On this assumption, we can calculate Qmax, and we can also find, say, the proportion of false discoveries (Qmg') in the set of p-values that are smaller than 0.05  (p< 0.05).  (See the calculation below **).

      However, in fact, we don't need Qmax or the calculation below** because we can find Qmg' directly from the histogram!***

      Storey and Tibshirani (as well as others) calculate the q-values (or the FDR, etc.), although it seems that the proportion of false discoveries (Qmg) can directly and simply be found from the histogram(?).  Do q-values give better (smaller) estimates of the true proportion of false discoveries than the Qmg?


** Qmg =  F/S = F/ (F+T) ;    Qmax = [(m/S)-1] / [(1/a)-1];   a = 0.5 ;  a' = 0,05  

      If m1-T = 0,  then  Qmg =Qmax  (as explained on the page "Qmg & Qmax").  

      We know the following approximate values (in thousands):

m = 84 ,   S = F+T = 56  (for a = 0.5),   S' = F'+T' = 16.5  (for a' = 0.05) 

      If we take:  a = 0.5 (in the case shown in Fig. 1. above)  and if  m1-T = 0,  then we find:  Qmg = Qmax = [(m/S)-1] / [(1/a)-1] = 0.5 .     This may be far from the actual proportion of false discoveries, but we can improve the estimate by proceeding to the "second step":

      F/S = Qmax;  F =S×Qmax =56×0.5 =28 ;  F'= F×a'/a  = S×Qmax×a'/a  = 2.8 

Qmax' =  F'/ S' ;  Qmax' (= Qmg')  = (S / S')×Qmax×a'/a  =  2.8/16.5  =  0.1697


***   Alternatively, we find directly from the histogram (approximately):

m0 -F = 28 ;   F' = 2×(m0 - F)×a'= 56×0.05 = 2.8 ; 

       Qmg' = F'/S' = [2×(m0 - F)×a'] / S' = 2.8/16.5 =  0.1697   (in 16,500 p-values)


      So, the Qmax method, and especially the improved "two-step Qmax method", can sometimes be as good as the "Qmg graphical method", but the former methods seem to be unnecessary, because they have no advantage over Qmg, which, moreover, is simpler to estimate!


      Below is a result (FDR) obtained by applying the Benjamini-Hochberg method to the same example (Fig. 1. in the paper by Storey and Tibshirani)!


      We choose, say, alpha = a = 0.05 and apply the Benjamini-Hochberg method:

p23500 = 0.1 > (23500/ 84000)×0.05 = 0.014

p16500 = 0.05 > (16500/ 84000)×0.05 = 0.0098

      Hence, the set of p-values has to be smaller than 16,500 in order that the null hypotheses can be rejected at the level  a = 0.05 ;   so, perhaps we could reach

FDR = 0.05   -  but only for a much smaller set!

      On the other hand, if we choose alpha = a = 0.255  we have:

p23500  = 0.1 > (23500/84000)×0.255= 0.071

p16500 = 0.05 < (16500/84000)×0.255= 0.0501

      FDR = 0.255  for the set of 16,500 p-values (approximately); 

      (FDR > Qmg' = Qmax')  


      Is the above calculation correct or wrong? Please, tell me if I have mistakenly applied the Benjamini-Hochberg method!

      I also beg you to answer this question:

      In the above example, can the calculation of q-values, or any other methods for estimating the proportion of false discoveries, give better results than the histogram (i.e. Qmg method); or, perhaps, are all such methods no better than Qmg, at least in very large sets of p-values?



      1. Sorić, B. (1989). Statistical "discoveries" and effect-size estimation. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc., 84, 608-610. http://www.jstor.org/pss/2289950

      2.  Storey JD, Tibshirani R. (2003) Statistical significance for genome-wide studies. Proc Natl Acad Sci 100: 9440-9445. http://genomics.princeton.edu/storeylab/papers/Storey_Tibs_PNAS_2003.pdf 



I beg to be notified about any

mistakes that may exist above!



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June - September, 2009

Branko Soric








